Sculpting Souls, Not Just Sites: The Ethical Dilemma of a Crypto-Integrated Web

Dheeraj Sampath
5 min readAug 23, 2023


In the grand theater of the digital age, front-end development has gracefully pirouetted from mere pixel-pushing to curating sophisticated user experiences. Once, we marveled at glossy buttons and flash animations; today, we’re in a symbiotic dance with users, seeking harmony between aesthetics and ethics. Ah, the nuances of modern web design!

While many bask in the ephemeral glow of trendy frameworks and flashy animations, those with an astute eye for detail recognize a more profound metamorphosis. It’s not just about the artistry of the visuals or the eloquence of the code anymore. The canvas of the web is growing sentient, urging us to ponder upon the digital footprints we leave. It’s an age where our code doesn’t just run on machines; it reverberates through the psyche of every user. Enter the lexicon of the discerning developer: Ethical Web Design.

The script of the web is being rewritten, not with mere lines of JavaScript or cascading styles, but with a moral compass in hand. The quintessential question is no longer just about ‘how’ we design, but ‘why.’ And as we scroll down this narrative, we’ll unravel the synthesis of ethics and aesthetics, showcasing why Ethical Web Design isn’t just a trendy hashtag, but the fulcrum upon which the next digital renaissance pivots.

Why Ethical Web Design?

If web development were akin to a well-scripted novel, then we’re arguably in the chapter where plot twists are aplenty. While our earlier chapters boasted of groundbreaking frameworks and mesmerizing animations, this narrative arc delves deeper into the user’s psyche, well-being, and societal balance.

Take, for instance, the age-old practice of using cookies to track user behavior. It’s like giving someone a book but keeping tabs on which pages they linger on. Sure, this offers insights, but at what cost?

Let’s look at a few javascript code snippets

`// Traditional Cookie Setting
document.cookie = "userBehavior=clickedAd; expires=Thu, 18 Dec 2023 12:00:00 UTC; path=/";`

Now, in the age of Ethical Web Design, instead of imposing such actions, we’d prioritize user consent:

if (userConsentGiven) {
document.cookie = "userBehavior=clickedAd; expires=Thu, 18 Dec 2023 12:00:00 UTC; path=/";
} else {
console.log("User's privacy respected. No tracking cookie set.");

Then there are dark patterns — design tactics meant to trick users into taking actions they might not intend to. Remember the websites that cunningly designed their “unsubscribe” button to blend with the background? Just a mere CSS trick, but with profound ethical implications.

/* A dark pattern: making the unsubscribe button inconspicuous */
.unsubscribe-button {
color: #f0f0f0; /* Nearly the same as the background */
background-color: #f5f5f5;

/* Ethical design: making actions clear and obvious */
.unsubscribe-button-ethical {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #ff4b4b; /* Bold, clear, unmistakable */

In essence, Ethical Web Design urges us to ponder not just on the “can we?” but on the “should we?” Our coding practices, previously guided primarily by functionality and flair, now demand a conscience. We are scripting not just for seamless user experiences, but for transparency, respect, and responsibility.

Pursuing Ethical Grace in a Crypto-Dominant Web

When the worlds of web development and cryptocurrency collide, the result is nothing short of exhilarating. Cryptocurrencies, with their decentralized nature and blockchain foundations, have begun to seep into various corners of the web, from NFT marketplaces to decentralized applications (dApps). But, with this merger comes a plethora of ethical considerations for front-end developers.

  1. Cryptojacking: The rise of cryptocurrencies has led to the rise of cryptojacking — the unauthorized use of a user’s computer resources to mine cryptocurrency. It’s a silent heist, embedded within scripts that run seamlessly on websites.
// A hypothetical cryptojacking script if (!userAware) {   

Ethical Web Design demands transparency. If a website does use resources for mining (with a legit reason), it must be with the user’s explicit consent.

if (userGaveConsentForMining) {   
} else {

2. Blockchain Transparency: Decentralized applications (dApps) utilize blockchain technology. While transactions on most blockchains are transparent, they’re also immutable. Front-end interfaces for such platforms must make users explicitly aware of the permanence of their actions.

<!-- A dApp's transaction confirmation prompt --> 
<div class="transaction-prompt">
<p>Remember, all blockchain transactions are permanent. Please review your data before proceeding.</p>
<button>Confirm Transaction</button>

3. Eco-Conscious Coding: Cryptocurrencies, especially proof-of-work ones like Bitcoin, have faced scrutiny for their environmental impact. Ethical Web Design isn’t just about the direct user; it’s about the global user — our planet. As front-end developers, optimizing code to minimize resource consumption, especially on crypto-related tasks, becomes paramount.

4. Democratizing Access: Cryptocurrencies, for all their benefits, have a learning curve. Ethical Web Design emphasizes inclusivity. When integrating crypto functionalities, it’s vital to ensure that even those unfamiliar with blockchain can navigate, understand, and utilize the platform effectively.

In essence, as cryptocurrencies embed themselves deeper into the digital landscape, front-end developers stand at the crossroads of innovation and integrity. Ethical Web Design provides a compass, ensuring that while we harness the potential of blockchain and crypto, we remain anchored to principles of transparency, respect, and responsibility.

Principles of Ethical Web Design:

  1. Transparency: In an age saturated with misinformation and distrust, clarity is paramount. Every user has the right to understand the mechanics of the websites they interact with, from data collection to how cookies influence content.
  2. User Agency: Empowerment lies at the heart of ethical design. Every user should have control over their data, choices, and digital footprint. No decisions should be made on behalf of a user without clear and informed consent.
  3. Design for Well-being: Websites should enrich lives, not deplete them. This involves creating intuitive user journeys, ensuring accessibility for all, and avoiding overstimulation or unnecessary stress points.
  4. No Dark Patterns: Trickery and deceit have no place in ethical web design. Avoid designs that manipulate or mislead users into taking actions against their will or better judgment.

Benefits to Businesses and Users:

  1. Increased Trust: Ethical designs foster a bond of trust. When users feel respected and understood, their loyalty to the platform naturally grows.
  2. Better Long-term User Engagement: While clickbait might generate short-term traffic, genuine and ethically constructed content ensures repeated visits and prolonged engagement.
  3. Ethical Branding: In an era where consumers align more with values than mere products, an ethically designed website becomes a beacon of a company’s commitment to integrity.

Future of Front-end Development:

  1. An Ethical Standard: As users become savvier and demand more transparency, integrating ethical considerations will not be a mere choice but a necessity in web design.
  2. Potential Regulations: We might see governing bodies step in, laying down guidelines and standards for ethical digital designs. Much like GDPR for data protection, future regulations could focus on user experience and ethics.

Practical Steps to Get Started:

  1. Tools & Frameworks: Consider platforms like Ethical Design Guide or Humane by Design. These provide insights, guidelines, and best practices for creating ethically sound digital experiences.
  2. Best Practices: Start with a thorough audit of your current designs. Identify areas of potential ethical conflict. Educate your design team on the principles of ethical design and prioritize user well-being in every decision.


It’s high time businesses view web design not just as a digital storefront but as a reflection of their ethos and values. As we sculpt the digital landscapes of tomorrow, the question is not just about how advanced or beautiful a site can be, but how humane.

To the wider community: As architects of the web, how are you ensuring that every line of code, every pixel, serves not just the brand, but humanity? The digital realm is a mirror to our collective conscience; let’s ensure it reflects our best selves.

